블랙 퍼피장식 나일론 토트백



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블랙 퍼피장식 나일론 토트백


( ₩108,000 )

Specific item information

상품 정보 고시
종류 여성 가방
A/S 책임자와 전화번호 LF 고객상담실 1544-5114
크기 37 X 21 X 16(가로X세로X폭) (재는 위치에 따라 약간의 오차가 있을 수 있습니다.) 어깨끈-90 cm
제품 소재(제품 주소재) 나일론+합성가죽(PU)
색상 블랙
제조사(공식수입/병행수입) LF
제조국 한국 * 제조국 정보는 최초 생산지 기준이며, 추가 생산이 이루어질 경우 제조국이 달라질 수 있습니다.
취급시 주의사항 1.제품의 기본용도 이외에는 사용하지 마십시오. 2.제품에 부착된 금속 장식은 신체에 상해를 미칠 수 있으므로 주의하시기 바랍니다. 3.물세탁이나 드라이크리닝 세탁은 제품에 손상을 주거나 형태를 변형시키므로 금하여 주십시오.
수입여부 N
품질보증기준 구매일로부터 6개월간/ 그 외 기준은 관련법 및 소비자분쟁해결 규정에 따름

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블랙 퍼피장식 나일론 토트백


( ₩108,000 )


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블랙 퍼피장식 나일론 토트백


( ₩108,000 )

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Information

Exchange & Returns

You can cancel your order before it is shipped. After the item has been shipped, you can request a return, Refund or exchange according to Gmarket's Returns and Exchanges policy below.

Delivery within Korea

You can apply for a return or exchange from after the item has been delivered within within 7 days of arrival by clicking the return/exchange button at the 'My . Page Gmarket'.

Return & Exchanges may not be accepted in the following cases:

  • 1) The item has been damaged/defective by the customer. (except for the package of clothes being opened to check the goods)
  • 2) The value of the item has decreased significantly due to customer usage/consumption. (igHow to seal goods)
  • 3) The value of the item has dropped significantly due to its time-sensitive nature and cannot be resold.
  • 4) Irrevocable liability to the seller due to customization or sole production of items.

To register for Korean domestic exchange or return, You will bear the cost of shipping and delivery (items with domestic delivery benefit Korea for free: delivery charges for round trips) unless the seller is responsible for the deviation or defective item.

International Delivery (shipping outside of Korea)

Once the item has been shipped overseas for international delivery, Returns will not be accepted unless the item you received is a difference or error.

Defective items & other things
  • If you receive a defective item, you can contact the seller directly if you can speak korean. If not, you can immediately contact our Customer Service Center accompanied by pictures of the defective product, invoice and shipping box, all necessary to discuss with seller. Middle CS center will assist you to communicate with the seller.
  • Gmarket will not be responsible for any defect in the item caused by the seller caused and will not compensate the seller.
  • In the case of minors under the age of 19 purchasing items without consent the will of their legal representative, they can cancel the purchase.

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블랙 퍼피장식 나일론 토트백


( ₩108,000 )